If I could be selfish for a moment...
Well here's an email that brightened MY day today..
Invitation to HR Interview (1st Round)_RBC Capital Markets
Dear Arvind,
Further to your recent application and the successful completion of the
online numerical reasoning test, we are pleased to invite you to attend an
interview with the HR department in our London offices.
To book your interview, please log-on once again to our recruitment
website: (
http://www.rbccmgraduates.gtios.com/index.asp) and go to the
interview booking page.
Please note that your interview with HR is a competency-based interview
and no technical questions will be asked at this stage of the interview
Should you experience any problems in booking online, please e-mail us at
In the meantime, we look forward to seeing you at the HR interview.
Kind regards,
Graduate Recruitment Team
RBC Capital Markets, London
I think we all know why this is a good thing :D
Making a 'Statement'
Need some advice on how to stick it to the man? Check out what
this guy did, one penny at a time...
Your Opinion please
Who's got the prettier eyes?
Subject A

Subject B

I think I know who'll win this one ;)
What I do in my spare time
So many of you have been wondering how I have the wonderfully sculputed physique that I do. Well for starters in the morning I down a huge glass of strawberry milkshake with a three-stack waffle topped with whipped cream, syrup, strawberries, chocolate sauce and sprinkles. As my mid-morning snack I will munch on a bag of two-bite brownies (two-bites x 24 brownies = 48 bites).
At lunch I'll go a little lighter. A medium pizza topped with pepperoni, bacon, fried mushrooms and double cheese with a twinky for dessert. Sometimes I'll have some carrots for flavour. In the afternoon I eat a Super-Sized Big Mac Meal (Coke with no ice to wash it down) and half an apple pie.
Finally for dinner I'll usually have either a big bottle of beer with a bucket of fried chicken or I'll whip up a three-egg omelette stuffed with sausage, bacon, cheese, onions, mushrooms, tomatoes, poonani, peppers, potatoes and some more cheese. Top it off with a little syrup for flavour ;)
But that's only half the story. I still have to put all that nutrition to good use. The other important aspect of my godlike figure is the excercise. Every night Chris, Rohit and I engage in our 'HARUP!' excercises. Check out the photo below and you'll understand exactly why I look the way I do...

Wine and Cheese
So it had been a while since our class had done anything 'classy' together. A few of us began thinking we should do something about it...
What's that you say Derrick??

You think we should have a Wine and Cheese?!??!?! What a FUNtastic idea :D So last wknd a wine and cheese was had. But we wanted to make sure it was a good wine and cheese. So we deked out the living room...

You'll notice the screen at the back. We borrowed the dept. projector, placed a screen over our window and displayed lots of pictures from all of our recent travels. The idea was a great hit!!! But we know which superstar they all wanted to see...

(Unfortunately I got red wine on my suit :S)
As you can see we all got dressed up for this 'classy' event

Apparently Chris gets confused every now and then :P
So who had fun?

Preya, Rohit and Mel had fun!
Note - Coolest belt of the night goes to Preya

Cheryl, Ganan and Jules had fun!

Bev had fun!

But Batman didn't have fun :(
And what night would be complete would be without a GQ Session? Well a wine and cheese certainly wouldn't be complete!

And here's my best impression of Rohit (Bollywood Superstar Extrodanair)

Note - My secret model photos have been stolen. If found please return!!!

(Well not really, they are still on my desk smiling back at me :D)
After all the wine was finished (which didn't take that long :P) we went over to Bomber

But we all know who the biggest superstars always are ;)

So what was the total damage??? 37 Bottles of Wine!!!

But that's ok. Because next time there's a wine and cheese I want YOU there!!!

Such Great Heights
i am thinking it's a sign that the freckles in our eyes
are mirror images and when we kiss they're perfectly aligned
i would like to speculate that god himself did make us into
corresponding shapes like puzzle pieces from the clay
and true, it may seem like a stretch, but its thoughts like this that
catch my troubled head when you're away and i am missing you to death
when you are out there on the road for several weeks of shows and when
you scan the radio, i hope this song will guide you home
they will see us waving from such great heights, "come down now,"
they'll say but everything looks perfect from far away,
"come down now," but we'll stay...
i tried my best to leave this all on your machine but the persistent beat
it sounded thin upon listening
and that frankly will not fly, you will hear the shrillest highs and
lowest lows with the windows down when this is guiding you home.
Lest We Forget...

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields.
Finding a job
So I just applied to Morgan Stanley UK. I know it's a bit of a long shot. I'm from Canada and will be up against like a million students from Europe. They really have no reason to bother with my application. Except one reason... I'm a Gentleman and a Scholar ;) And you know what, IT'S WORTH IT. Sometimes if you really want something you have to just keep plugging away at it until after all your hard work, all your time, all your effort finally pays off.
But these European applications take soooo much time. They ask so many questions on the application like, "What skills and personality traits do you have that would be a benefit", "Why are you interested in the Fixed Income Division", etc. I'd expect those in the interview :S
For the 'describe a challenge you faced' question I supplied my back-packing through Cambodia in the back of a pick-up truck story!!! For the 'describe a team situation' question I told them the 'Went to Koh Phangan and missed the train' story.
Typical? No. Risky? Perhaps. Eye-catching? HELL YAH!!! I figure the only way I'll have a shot is by really grabbing their attention and making them believe I'd be interesting to at least interview. And the only way to do that is to lie... errr, tell good stories :P
On a more musical note (no pun intended) I've started listening to Postal-Service. I like their stuff. In fact over the past year my music taste has really changed quite a bit. I'm into house/ambient a lot more (listen to Kaskade, Prem Joshua and Tories). And indie-rock is kind of cool as well. Just a lot more innvigorating than the usual synthesized hip-pop crap that's usually pushed on radio-waves. I guess every mainstream music genre goes through that (Disco anybody??) Tomorrow I'll try and put up some photos from the latest GQ session ;)
have you ever been in love???.. MWAH!! amazing feeling :D
dyarrr.... stomach about to explode!!!
Bev made a great dinner today. Chicken a la King AND apple pie for dessert!!! Way to go Bev. So, where am I right now? In the library studying for my THREE midterms tomorrow :S Oh well, blogging comes first!!
So some exciting news (for those of you that don't know... although I presume that anybody that does still read this blog is probably a friend in Waterloo :P) : I'M GOING TO LONDON!!!! I decided earlier this week to go visit Camilla in December after my exams are done. Sometimes you just gotta take a chance and follow your heart 'eh ;)
Speaking of my heart I'm so glad I've been going back to the gym again. Last few wks I've been able to make it there 2 or 3 times a week. Good job me. Now I've earned that nightly box of cookies :P
So some themes for the term:
- Smoking Sheesha
- Going to Bomber pretty much every Wednesday night... right after $7 pitchers @ Mongo's ;)
- Having more days off than days of school
- Having to deal with the fact my life will soon be at a MAJOR transition phase... if not already. You really don't appreciate how awesome a university environment is until it's taken away from you.
- Dealing with rejection... but learning to pick yourself up after <--- I think anyone able to do this shows alot of strength and character
All for now. I'll post some pics later on. Cheers!!
Diwali 2005
Firstly, HAPPY DIWALI!!!! I know it's a copule of days late, but better late then never :) I wish you all a safe, happy and prosperous New Year.
I went up to Toronto on the wknd to celebrate Diwali with my family, but one should still do something a little special on the actual day of if you can. And oh boy, did I have a special Diwali ;)
My two friends (Ankur and Aasthaa) and I wanted to go to the mandir (temple) to do pooja and see the fireworks. Unfortunately when we got there everything was done :( Is 9:45pm really that late???
No fear, for if you can't go to Diwali then make Diwali come to you!!! We went back to my place to do pooja only to find out that none of us had any murhthis. But Rohit did!!! Lucky for us he was back home in Toronto ;) All he had though was Ganesh and Hanuman. And on Diwali you should do
arati to Lakshmi. When the going gets tough... tuffy gets going!!!
Using my wild imagination and wily resourcefulness I found a
picture of Lakshmi on the internet and placed it on my laptop. That's right people, I have advanced Hinduism to the 21st century by performing arati to my laptop!!!!

I then downloaded an mp3 of Om Jai Jagdish and we sang along. But why stop there??? I found the lyrics and placed them beside the picture of Lakshmi. Look closely at the pictures above and you can probabaly see them :P
All in all we had a good Diwali, and definately one to remember!!