Goodbye Deutschland :(
WOW!!! Germany has been amazing!!! From beautiful and peaceful wine country, to friendly locals in Cologne to 50 mins of trailers and commercials BEFORE the movie begins at the cinema in Magdeburg to breathtaking architecture and partying till 530am in Berlin this country has been a great arventure :DNow you guys have been bugging us for photos so I figure that's what you really want. This post is a photo post with a couple of captions. If you want full details check out Rohit's blog.
Photo of your hot author

Cathedral in Cologne

Stained windows in Cathedral of Cologne

Andrew from Texas

Bird's eye view of Cochem from the castle

Self-guided winery tour in Cochem

Possibly the gayest photo Rohit and I will ever have together... I hope :S

The castle in Cochem... at night

Me punching Rohit

Making up afterwards

Our sheesha buddys in Frankfurt

Saluting the Flag (in Berlin)

The Pergamon Museum in Berlin (link to learn about Pergamon itself)

Brandenburg Gate

Portrait of a Brown Man in front of Brandenburg Gate

The Holocaust memorial in Berlin

Standing on top of Hitler's Bunker (not much to see actually)

The Berlin Wall

Our newest friends from Paris, Huegues (sorry for spelling dude) and his wonderful wife! (I'm sooo sorry I forgot your name :S) We'll actually be staying w/ them in Paris!!!

Rohit happy 'cuz we're eating @ a vegetarian restaurant

Clubbing till 530 in the morning in Berlin!!!

See you in Poland ;)
Seeing those pics from Berlin was total deja vu... I can tell you took the same walking tour :) The rest of Germany looks beautiful... have fun in Poland!
As for the gay poses, you watch yourself Chahal.
hahah that's the gayest pose??? need i remind you of the finger licking good cake from wine and cheese.... nuff said... ~anja
Hello from boring O-town. I don't think I have to say how jealous I am I that you guys are over there, but I'm so glad you're having an awesome time. My time will come! haha I miss you guys tons!!
p.s. was that Ian's long lost french brother? I did a double take the first time I scrolled through.
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