Thursday, December 29, 2005

Knowing (soon to be) famous people

Well I'm back home in Winnipeg. I've been here since the 24th. Always nice and relaxing to be home. The biggest stress is always 'Hmmm... what should I eat next'? Seriously, I have been eating NON-STOP since I got here.

I think the last time I felt hungry was on the flight over here. Since I've been back I've had chicken curry, a turkey dinner, lamb curry, mountains of baked goods, boxes of Ferrero Rocher and we just went out for some Thai food tonight... dyarrr, I've gotten so many new clothes this holiday season and I don't think I'll be able to fit in them after this week :P

But to the topic at hand. One of my best friends from high school, Ramzi, has always had an ear for music. You could always find him strumming his guitar or planning for the next big 'Steak' concert. Yes he had a band in high school and it was named 'Steak'. No surprise there were no Hindus in the band :P

Sad to say Steak broke up soon after high school, but out of the ashes was born a new sound that would shake the very foundations of Indie Rock... Ladies and Gentlemen I present 'The Ramzi Helewa Sound Experiment'


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