Friday, June 16, 2006

Welcome Back!

Oh Canada! It's great to be back in the land of 110V electrical system :P Hahaha.... don't worry that wasn't the only thing about Canada I missed. There was also the Tim Horton's :P

It is weird being back. When I walked through the doors of Pearson Airport I half expected to be faced with the challenges of a new country: an unfamiliar language, adjusting to a new set of customs and values that make up the culture, figuring out where the nearest McDonald's is. But it wasn't like that at all. Everything was familiar: I could speak english, no drinking outside or smoking indoors and McDonald's is about 2mins down the road.... Weird how being in a familiar place was such a foreign feeling.

I guess it was an indication that the trip was amazing. I enjoyed every minute I spent in Europe and I can't wait to go back. First stops will be Italy and Greece!!!

The last few days were spent in London. We met up with Karam and Aliya. And Camilla came to join us as well :) London was filled with shisha, some interesting (i.e. sometimes really stupid) modern art @ Tate Modern, clubbing UK styles, changing of guards (no I didn't go for a peep show) and of course cider :)

Now I know you came here just for pictures (ahem, Sarah) and I will put them up. What I will do is put some pics up of the last couple of weeks of the trip and then soon after that I will do proper blog entries of the entire trip, starting from Day 1 (April 26th) @ Pearson Airport.

Well Europe, you were awesome. I hope I did you right. In 7 weeks I experienced a lot more than I could have imagined: both in terms of actual arventures and emotions. I had a great travel partner who made such a rigorous trip that much easier with his terrible hair styles, obvious Bollywood style moves and excessive homosexuality! Hahaha, jk Rohit. It was a great trip with you and I couldn't imagine doing Europe with anybody else.

For now, there's only one last step before my student life is officially closed. Convocation :S It is tomorrow in the afternoon. My parents have come down from Winnipeg to make sure I graduate so it was nice arriving in TO and seeing them :) After that though I'll be watching some football, having a few pints and participating in siestas. In otherwords, living it up Euro styles ;) Ciao...


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