Saturday, December 25, 2004

National Lampoons Indian Christmas

Merry Christmas everybody!!! I hope that Santa Singh was as nice to everybody this year as he was to me :D But that's only because I haven't been naughty ;)

Christmas is a pretty big deal in my family, mainly from a festive perspective. My mom LOVES decorating the house and stuffing my sisters and I full of baked goodness, with a side of turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing... well you get the point. As well, my parents always host a huge party on Christmas Eve (last night). And of course this year was no different.

So we got our living room all decked out with a Christmas tree.

By the by, my parents made some renovations this year and the picture above is the fruit of their labour. They did an amazing job turning our once dreary and boring living room into a comfortable and cozy living space and dining room.

Way to go mom and dad!!!!

So the party got started. For those of you that know me well, what would a Chahal party be without bhangra... even on Christmas!!!

Even my dad got in on it!!!

ps - I have no idea where he got that pink shirt from :P

Afterwards when everybody left my parents, my sister, her friends and I had fun taking pics in the living room

That was at almost 3 in the morning!!! This however was just before 12 on CHRISTMAS MORNING!!!!!!

Everybody got something.


My mom

And, even my dad

So all in all a great, and traditional, Chahal Christmas. My parents always put on a good show for their friends and then in the morning the family has fun opening gifts from my mom... errrr, I mean Santa :P

Thursday, December 23, 2004

New Laptop, new blog... same me

Hi everybody, and welcome to my new blog site :D
Thanks alot for coming to take a quick look. I hope that this blog will allow me to easily relay to my family and friends back home in Canada how much fun I am having in Singapore and what adventures (or as we now shall call it, arventures) I am getting upto in SE Asia.

Of course, I can't do this all myself. My partner in crime on my tour of SE Asia, the one who will relay all my stories to you (my fans) during my 4 month arventure, and my new best friend.... my laptop :D

For Christmas my parents got me a new laptop (better than what they got my sisters..... combined :P) because they know that every university student needs a computer to do work (i.e. download movies and music) and that I would need to be pretty mobile in SE Asia if I am to have a computer.

We picked out a slick new Toshiba A70-KL1. I will spare the list of specs, but you may go check them out here: Toshiba Specs

Here are a couple of mugshots of my new badboy

New laptop

New WORKING laptop.... huzzaa!!!

But before I head off to SE Asia I have one more thing to take care of here in Canada... celebrate Christmas and the New Year!!!!